2022年1月25日 星期二








習先生,暴力無法帶來和平,Misawacu hanizaay masasu takid(欺侮別人的人也會受到同樣的報應;撒奇萊雅族古諺)。請帶領你的國家邁向真正的文明,停止武力恫嚇台灣人民,致力讓中國人民享有人權與自由。
如果有一天,中國放棄扭曲的歷史觀、民族觀、國家觀,樂意成為我們的善良鄰居,而不是強行要當我們的父母。那個時候,我們會誠心舉杯,敬中國這個鄰居一杯小米酒。pasola xmnx na mansonsou!(願您每回呼吸都順暢;鄒族語)
浦忠成(鄒族)、馬千里Mateli Sawawan(卑南族)、Magaitan.Lhkatafatu(邵族)、伍麗華Saidai Tarovecahe(魯凱族)、夏錦龍Obay.Ataw.Hayawan(賽夏族)、Eleng Tjaljimaraw(排灣族)、鴻義章Upay Kanasaw(阿美族)、曾華德 集福祿萬(排灣族)、林碧霞Afas Falah(阿美族)、帖喇.尤道Teyra Yudaw(太魯閣族)、伊斯坦大.貝雅夫.正福Istanda.Paingav.Cengfu(布農族)、伊央.撒耘Yiyang Sayion(撒奇萊雅族)、吳新光voe-uyongana(鄒族)、潘經偉(馬卡道族)、孔賢傑'Avia Kanpanena(卡那卡那富族)、Uma Talavan萬淑娟(西拉雅族)、潘杰Watan Teymu(賽德克族)、陳金萬(凱達格蘭族)、謝宗修Buya.Batu(噶瑪蘭族)、葛新雄(拉阿魯哇族)、蘇美琅Savi Takisvilainan(布農族)、吳雪月(阿美族)

2022年1月19日 星期三


A: Thanks for the help today.(謝謝你今天的幫忙。)

B: No problem. I enjoyed helping you.(不客氣。我很樂意幫忙。)

A: Thanks for taking the parcel in for me.(謝謝你幫我把包裹拿進來。)
B: Pleasure!(別客氣!)

A: I'd like to thank you for looking after my cat so well.(我想謝謝你把我的貓照顧得那麼好。)
B: I know you'd do the same for me.(我知道你也會為了我這麼做。)

A: Thanks for letting me know that my car alarm was going off.(謝謝告訴我車子的防盜警報器響了。)
B: No worries. I thought I'd better tell you.(不會。我想說最好跟你說一聲。)

A: Thank you for visiting me in hospital.(謝謝你到醫院探望我。)
B: Oh, it was the least I could do.(喔,這點事根本算不了什麼。)

A: Thank you for stopping by.(謝謝你順道過來。)
B: Oh, anytime!(噢,不會啦!)

Thank you so much, doctor. I'm very much obliged to you.(醫生,很謝謝你。感激不盡。)

A: Thank you for sending the sample so promptly.(感謝您如此快速寄送樣品。)
B: We appreciate your business.(我們很感謝貴公司的合作。)

A: Thank you for helping me carry the coffees to the office.(謝謝你幫我把咖啡拿到辦公室。)
B: Oh, I'm happy to help.(喔,我很樂意幫忙。)

2022年1月7日 星期五

鍾劍華: 自陷於泥淖的抗疫策略














[ 轉載: 鍾劍華FB,2022年1月6日 ]


2022年1月2日 星期日


轉載: 馮睎乾《十三維度》,2022年1月1日



眾所週知,《立場新聞》一向收取贊助和訂閱費,直到今年六月《蘋果日報》被消失,才宣布暫停接受捐款和訂閱,理由在《立場》6 月 27 日的公告寫得一清二楚,原語如下:

「我們非常重視支持者每一分的寶貴贊助,為免《立場新聞》一旦遭遇沒頂之災,浪費了支持者的金錢,我們會盡快採取措施,暫停接受贊助,包括中止『MyStand 計劃』付費會員的月費轉帳安排,並將停止接受新會員及新贊助款項。《立場新聞》仍然會補充若干人手,目前的財政儲備,足夠應付未來 9 至 12 個月的開支。」(注1)


至於說「大部分資金使用隱密方式存入」,是為了逃避執法機構調查,這個說法就更「得意」了。據《香港01》今年1月14日的報道,警察福利基金於2019/20年度總收入1.88億元,當中捐款收入達1.73億元,其中「有500多宗匿名捐款,佔總捐款數逾八成,較上年度增15.6倍,而最大兩筆、分別為2000萬元的捐款,均為匿名捐贈。」(注 2)警察福利基金大部分捐款均以隱密方式存入,是逃避執法機構調查嗎?


今年12月21日《東方日報》刊載一篇社評,題為「港府倒行逆施 司法與民為敵」(注 3),由標題到內文皆筆力千鈞,字字見血封喉,令市民越看越氣。例如近日投票率創新低的問題,愛國人士已明確指出,「中央已經認定,今次立法會選舉投票率偏低的主因是外部勢力的干擾破壞」(注4),但《東方日報》卻大唱反調,將矛頭完全指向香港政府,社評原文說:


社評又說:「到底一個政府要冷血無良到甚麼程度,才會視人民如草芥若此?」結尾則是:「今日的香港,一片死氣沉沉,連治安也每況愈下(......) 加上司法不公不正,港府抗疫無能,房屋問題愈演愈烈,醫療系統百病叢生,在在反映港人治港之下,特區毫無前途,市民深感絕望,此時不移民更待何時?」


不知有沒有記者能夠問李警司:這篇〈港府倒行逆施 司法與民為敵〉所說的「政府倒行逆施、司法不公、庇奸護惡」,是「假新聞」嗎?心急人上。

立場新聞 2021 年 6 月 27 日公告

香港01:警察福利基金去年捐款升26倍 01查冊揭八成匿名 最多兩筆2000萬

東方日報:港府倒行逆施 司法與民為敵



2022年1月1日 星期六

New York Times: Omicron Is Less Severe?

Source: New York Times, 31 Dec 2021


Studies Suggest Why Omicron Is Less Severe: It Spares the Lungs

Compared with earlier variants, Omicron may cause less damage to the lungs, new animal research suggests.

Credit...Jerome Delay/Associated Press

Carl Zimmer and 

A spate of new studies on lab animals and human tissues are providing the first indication of why the Omicron variant causes milder disease than previous versions of the coronavirus.

In studies on mice and hamsters, Omicron produced less damaging infections, often limited largely to the upper airway: the nose, throat and windpipe. The variant did much less harm to the lungs, where previous variants would often cause scarring and serious breathing difficulty.

“It’s fair to say that the idea of a disease that manifests itself primarily in the upper respiratory system is emerging,” said Roland Eils, a computational biologist at the Berlin Institute of Health, who has studied how coronaviruses infect the airway.

In November, when the first report on the Omicron variant came out of South Africa, scientists could only guess at how it might behave differently from earlier forms of the virus. All they knew was that it had a distinctive and alarming combination of more than 50 genetic mutations.

Previous research had shown that some of these mutations enabled coronaviruses to grab onto cells more tightly. Others allowed the virus to evade antibodies, which serve as an early line of defense against infection. But how the new variant might behave inside of the body was a mystery.

“You can’t predict the behavior of virus from just the mutations,” said Ravindra Gupta, a virologist at the University of Cambridge.

Over the past month, more than a dozen research groups, including Dr. Gupta’s, have been observing the new pathogen in the lab, infecting cells in Petri dishes with Omicron and spraying the virus into the noses of animals.

As they worked, Omicron surged across the planet, readily infecting even people who were vaccinated or had recovered from infections.

But as cases skyrocketed, hospitalizations increased only modestly. Early studies of patients suggested that Omicron was less likely to cause severe illness than other variants, especially in vaccinated people. Still, those findings came with a lot of caveats.

For one thing, the bulk of early Omicron infections were in young people, who are less likely to get seriously ill with all versions of the virus. And many of those early cases were happening in people with some immunity from previous infections or vaccines. It was unclear whether Omicron would also prove less severe in an unvaccinated older person, for example.

Experiments on animals can help clear up these ambiguities, because scientists can test Omicron on identical animals living in identical conditions. More than half a dozen experiments made public in recent days all pointed to the same conclusion: Omicron is milder than Delta and other earlier versions of the virus.

On Wednesday, a large consortium of Japanese and American scientists released a report on hamsters and mice that had been infected with either Omicron or one of several earlier variants. Those infected with Omicron had less lung damage, lost less weight and were less likely to die, the study found.

Although the animals infected with Omicron on average experienced much milder symptoms, the scientists were particularly struck by the results in Syrian hamsters, a species known to get severely ill with all previous versions of the virus.

“This was surprising, since every other variant has robustly infected these hamsters,” said Dr. Michael Diamond, a virologist at Washington University and a co-author of the study.

Several other studies on mice and hamsters have reached the same conclusion. (Like most urgent Omicron research, these studies have been posted online but have not yet been published in scientific journals.)

Credit...Jane Stockdale for The New York Times

The reason that Omicron is milder may be a matter of anatomy. Dr. Diamond and his colleagues found that the level of Omicron in the noses of the hamsters was the same as in animals infected with an earlier form of the coronavirus. But Omicron levels in the lungs were one-tenth or less of the level of other variants.

similar finding came from researchers at the University of Hong Kong who studied bits of tissue taken from human airways during surgery. In 12 lung samples, the researchers found that Omicron grew more slowly than Delta and other variants did.

The researchers also infected tissue from the bronchi, the tubes in the upper chest that deliver air from the windpipe to the lungs. And inside of those bronchial cells, in the first two days after an infection, Omicron grew faster than Delta or the original coronavirus did.

These findings will have to be followed up with further studies, such as experiments with monkeys or examination of the airways of people infected with Omicron. If the results hold up to scrutiny, they might explain why people infected with Omicron seem less likely to be hospitalized than those with Delta.

Coronavirus infections start in the nose or possibly the mouth and spread down the throat. Mild infections don’t get much further than that. But when the coronavirus reaches the lungs, it can do serious damage.

Immune cells in the lungs can overreact, killing off not just infected cells but uninfected ones. They can produce runaway inflammation, scarring the lung’s delicate walls. What’s more, the viruses can escape from the damaged lungs into the bloodstream, triggering clots and ravaging other organs.

Dr. Gupta suspects that his team’s new data give a molecular explanation for why Omicron doesn’t fare so well in the lungs.

Many cells in the lung carry a protein called TMPRSS2 on their surface that can inadvertently help passing viruses gain entry to the cell. But Dr. Gupta’s team found that this protein doesn’t grab on to Omicron very well. As a result, Omicron does a worse job of infecting cells in this manner than Delta does. A team at the University of Glasgow independently came to the same conclusion.

Through an alternative route, coronaviruses can also slip into cells that don’t make TMPRSS2. Higher in the airway, cells tend not to carry the protein, which might explain the evidence that Omicron is found there more often than the lungs.

Dr. Gupta speculated that Omicron evolved into an upper-airway specialist, thriving in the throat and nose. If that’s true, the virus might have a better chance of getting expelled in tiny drops into the surrounding air and encountering new hosts.

“It’s all about what happens in the upper airway for it to transmit, right?” he said. “It’s not really what happens down below in the lungs, where the severe disease stuff happens. So you can understand why the virus has evolved in this way.”

While these studies clearly help explain why Omicron causes milder disease, they don’t yet answer why the variant is so good at spreading from one person to another. The United States logged more than 580,000 cases on Thursday alone, the majority of which are thought to be Omicron.

“These studies address the question about what may happen in the lungs but don’t really address the question of transmissibility,” said Sara Cherry, a virologist at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Diamond said he wanted to wait for more studies to be carried out, especially in people instead of animals, before endorsing the hypothesis that TMPRSS2 is the key to understanding Omicron. “I think it is still premature on this,” he said.

Scientists know that part of Omicron’s contagiousness comes from its ability to evade antibodies, allowing it to easily get into cells of vaccinated people far more easily than other variants. But they suspect that Omicron has some other biological advantages as well.

Last week, researchers reported that the variant carries a mutation that may weaken so-called innate immunity, a molecular alarm that rapidly activates our immune system at the first sign of an invasion in the nose. But it will take more experiments to see if this is indeed one of Omicron’s secrets to success.

“It could be as simple as, this is a lot more virus in people’s saliva and nasal passages,” Dr. Cherry said. But there could be other explanations for its efficient spread: It could be more stable in the air, or better infect new hosts. “I think it’s really an important question,” she said.