2024年1月14日 星期日


[轉載: 東大前日本語學校]

Explore Japan's Top Onsen & Hot Spring Culture Tips 

日本三大名泉The Three Renowned Onsen of Japan:

🔍1. 有馬温泉 (ありまおんせ Arima Onsen) (兵庫縣) - 日本歷史悠久的温泉之一,以其金泉和銀泉聞名。
Arima Onsen (Hyōgo Prefecture) - One of Japan's oldest hot springs, famous for its "Gold Spring" and "Silver Spring".
🔍2. 草津温泉 (くさつおんせん Kusatsu Onsen) (群馬縣) - 以全日本溫泉泉水湧出量最大而聞名,草津的湯畑 (ゆばたけ / yubatake)是其標誌性景觀。
Kusatsu Onsen (Gunma Prefecture) - Known for having the highest volume of hot spring water in all of Japan, Kusatsu's Yubatake is its iconic landscape.
🔍3. 下呂温泉(げろおんせん / gero onsen) (岐阜縣) - 被稱為「小京都」的溫泉鄉,風景如畫。
Gero Onsen (Gifu Prefecture) - Often referred to as "Little Kyoto," this picturesque spa town is a haven of serenity.

Some may be surprised that the famous Beppu Onsen isn't listed among the "Three Great Springs," but this term actually originated from the scholar Hayashi Razan's writings about "The Three Famous Springs of the World." Of course, there are many more exceptional hot springs throughout Japan waiting to be discovered. 

泡溫泉時頭上的小毛巾 (タオル / taoru):在日本温泉中,你會發現許多人泡湯時會將毛巾放在頭上。這是因為在熱水中泡久了容易頭暈,而潮濕的毛巾能幫助冷卻頭部,預防頭暈。反之,在寒冷天氣的露天風呂中,熱毛巾則有助於防止血壓急升。
Hot Spring Culture Tips:
The Towel on Your Head : In Japanese onsens, you'll often see bathers with a small towel on their head. This is to prevent dizziness after soaking in hot water for a prolonged period. The damp towel helps cool the head, while in colder weather, a warm towel can prevent blood pressure spikes.

温泉旅館中常見的甜點 (お菓子 / okashi) 不僅是款待,更是對客人的貼心照顧,泡溫泉前吃點甜食可以預防因血糖過低導致的不適。
Hospitality Through Desserts at Ryokan : 
The desserts served in ryokans (Japanese inns) are not just treats but a thoughtful way to care for guests. Eating something sweet before entering the hot springs can prevent discomfort due to low blood sugar.