2019年12月26日 星期四

《蘋果日報》馮睎乾: 光復林家,兆波抗命


有人把林兆波比作那位拒行納粹禮的August Landmesser,而我則第一時間想起《回魂夜》裏莫文蔚飾演的阿群。有一場戲,周星馳演的Leon帶領眾人跳舞,只有阿群的動作與別不同,Leon對她說:「喂,拍爛檔,唔該跟下beat吖。」阿群答道:「跟咩beat呀?」「跟住音樂嘅beat呀。」「邊有beat呀?攞個beat嚟睇下。」爭吵一輪,阿群最後霸氣地說:「我從來未跟過,將來亦都唔會打算跟你個——beat!」




簡單來說,在妻子成為特首前,林先生不過是個離地數學博士。數學世界的真是最純粹的,其美也至清澈,所以醉心數學的人,往往有一點遁世傾向——當然也有例外,如法國的代數幾何學大師格羅滕迪克(Alexander Grothendieck),就為了反戰和保護生態而投身運動,離開數學界。有些人則不是刻意遁世,而是以數學為麻醉痛苦的鴉片,例如猶太人特拉亨伯格(Jakow Trachtenberg)被關進納粹集中營時,為了保持活下去的動力,就潛心創出一套速算法。



最後,謹以古羅馬詩人賀拉斯的數行詩勉勵林先生:「義人懷德,矢志不渝,縱有千萬群眾,鼓吹姦邪,暴君在前,厲色威嚇,彼亦處之泰然。」(Iustum et tenacem propositi virum / non civium ardor prava iubentium, / non vultus instantis tyranni / mente quatit solida)不管你多麼憎恨林鄭也好,「今生只嫁前線巴」這句話,的確是她第一個做到了。光復林家,兆波抗命,林博士,加油!

2019年12月16日 星期一


Source: https://www.footballchannel.jp/2019/12/15/post353172/

【日本 5-0 香港 E-1サッカー選手権第2節】

 EAFF E-1サッカー選手権・韓国大会の第2節、日本代表対香港代表の試合が14日に行われた。デビュー戦となった小川航基のハットトリックもあり、日本が5-0の勝利を収めた。







 香港代表は9月10日、FIFAワールドカップ・アジア2次予選でイラン代表とホームで対戦している。この試合でも試合前に流れた中国国歌にブーイングする一方で、『香港に栄光あれ(英題:Glory to Hong Kong)』の大合唱が起こった。この曲は今夏にインターネット上で発表された。テーマソングのように扱われ、デモ活動などで歌われているようだ。


2019年12月11日 星期三




崇 光 這 家 日 資 百 貨 公 司 , 早 已 香 港 化 ; 正 如 一 個 當 年 由 日 本 跑 來 香 港 發 展 的 人 , 學 習 中 華 文 化 , 學 講 廣 東 話 , 學 寫 中 國 字 一 樣 , 經 已褪 去 大 部 份 日 本 色 彩 。 吉 之 島 卻 不 同 , 是 百 份 百 由 日 本 人 掌 控 的 百貨 公 司 。

吉 之 島 雖 然 仍 由 日 本 人 掌 控 , 但 本 地 化 了 不 少 , 可 能 是 走 大 眾 化 路 線 的 緣 故 吧 , 反 而 UNY 仍 是 有 很 濃 厚 的 日 本 色 彩 .

銅 鑼 灣 區 的 日 資 百 貨 沒 落 後 , 太 古 站 已 成 了 新 的 日 資 百 貨 重 鎮 .

回 想 起 當 日 資 百 貨 盛 世 時 , 香 港 曾 經 有 :
1. 太 丸
1960 年 在 銅 鑼 灣 開 分 店 , 至 1998 年 12 月 31 日 最 後 一 天 營 業 及 撤
出 香 港 ( 其 他 墨 爾 本 及 新 加 坡 的 分 店 卻 在 2002-2003 年 間 才 結 業 ).

2. 伊 勢 丹
1974 年 在 尖 沙 咀 喜 來 登 商 場 開 分 店 , 1981 年 在 香 港 仔 中 心 開 分 店 ,
九 十 年 代 中 期 撤 出 香 港 ( 其 新 加 坡 分 店 亦 已 結 業 ).

3. 松 板 屋
1975 年 在 銅 鑼 灣 開 分 店 , 1980 年 在 金 鐘 廊 開 分 店 , 先 在 約 1991 年
結 束 金 鐘 店 , 至 1998 年 結 束 香 港 業 務

4. 東 急
1978 年 在 尖 沙 咀 新 世 界 中 心 開 分 店 , 1997 年 撤 出 香 港 ( 現 址 為 新 世
界 百 貨 )

5. 三 越
1981 年 在 銅 鑼 灣 開 分 店 , 1989 年 在 尖 沙 咀 開 分 店 , 先 在 約 1995 年
結 束 尖 沙 咀 店 , 至 2006 年 結 束 銅 鑼 灣 店 , 明 年 再 在 香 港 另 一 地 區 開
分 店 .

6. 八 佰 伴
先 後 開 設 分 店 地 區 如 下 :
a. 沙 田 新 城 市 廣 場 (1984)
b. 屯 門 市 廣 場 (1986)
c. 紅 磡 黃 埔 花 園 (1989)
d. 荃 灣 悅 來 酒 店 (1990)
e. 藍 田 匯 景 廣 場 (1991)
f. 天 水 圍 新 北 江 商 場 (1993)
g. 將 軍 澳 厚 德 商 場 (1994)
h. 元 朗 (1994)
i. 馬 鞍 山 廣 場 + 馬 鞍 山 新 港 城 二 期 (1995)
除 左 北 區 , 大 埔 區 及 葵 青 區 之 外 , 幾 乎 當 時 所 有 新 市 鎮 都 有 一 間 八 佰 伴
分 店 , 澳 門 , 中 國 大 陸 也 開 了 分 店 , 最 後 因 清 盤 而 在 1997 年 10 月 全 線 結
業 , 澳 門 分 店 較 好 彩 被 何 鴻 燊 購 入 成 為 今 天 的 新 八 佰 伴 .

7. 崇 光
1985 年 在 銅 鑼 灣 開 分 店 , 1993 年 擴 大 樓 面 面 積 約 一 倍 半 , 並 稱 Jumbo
Sogo, 後 因 日 本 母 公 司 財 政 問 題 , 將 香 港 店 售 予 一 華 資 財 團 , 2005 年
再 在 尖 沙 咀 新 世 界 中 心 開 分 店 , 現 仍 健 在 .

8. UNY
1987 年 在 太 古 城 中 心 二 期 開 分 店 , 現 仍 健 在 .

9. 吉 之 島
先 後 開 設 分 店 地 區 如 下 :
大 型 百 貨 公 司 :
a. 康 怡 廣 場 (1987)
b. 尖 沙 咀 海 運 大 廈 (1990, 結 業 日 子 不 詳 )
c. 荃 灣 廣 場 (1991)
d. 樂 富 中 心 二 期 (1991)
e. 大 埔 超 級 城 (1995)
f. 慈 雲 山 中 心 (1995, 2004 年 結 業 )
g. 將 軍 澳 東 港 城 (1997, 當 年 開 業 不 足 兩 天 , 位 於 其 對 面 的 八 佰 伴
就 因 清 盤 結 業 )
h. 黃 埔 花 園 (1998, 八 佰 伴 舊 址 )
i. 屯 門 市 廣 場 (1998, 部 份 八 佰 伴 舊 址 )
單 獨 10 元 店 :
a. 銅 鑼 灣 (2002, 大 丸 家 居 廣 場 舊 址 )
b. 元 朗 新 地 帶 (2003, 2006 年 結 業 )
c. 九 龍 城 廣 場 (2003)
d. 上 環 (2004, 麥 當 勞 舊 址 )
e. 將 軍 澳 廣 場 (2004)
f. 北 角 (2004)
g. 佐 敦 (2004)
h. 灣 仔 英 皇 集 團 中 心 (2005)
i. 荃 灣 悅 來 坊 (2005)
j. 粉 嶺 碧 湖 花 園 (2006)
單 獨 超 市 :
a. 觀 塘 APM(2005)
b. 藍 田 啟 田 商 場 (2006)
c. 土 瓜 灣 翔 龍 灣 (2007)
除 了 標 明 已 結 業 分 店 外 , 全 部 分 店 均 仍 健 在 .

11. 西 田
1990 年 在 沙 田 新 城 市 廣 場 三 期 開 業 , 2006 年 將 香 港 業 務 售 予 新 鴻 基 ,
現 仍 健 在 .

12. 西 武
先 後 開 設 分 店 地 區 如 下 :
a. 金 鐘 太 古 廣 場 (1991)
b. 銅 鑼 灣 皇 室 堡 (1994, 2006 年 結 業 )
c. 旺 角 朗 豪 坊 (2005)
除 了 標 明 已 結 業 分 店 外 , 全 部 分 店 均 仍 健 在 .

13. 高 島 屋
據 知 香 港 有 辦 事 處 , 但 仍 未 有 計 劃 進 軍 香 港 .

2019年11月24日 星期日




// 生活 其實仲有好多可能性

1. 遲到成常態,變相實驗彈性上班
2. 少咗人OT,多咗人重新有放工時間
3. 舖頭早收,將習慣夜鬼嘅香港調番去早啲嘅生活節奏
4. 多謝理大封左紅隧+popo搞完一輪紅隧要大修,用兩條過海隧道做為分流試行。講左多年嘅三隧分流終於實行
5. 交通發展鐵路優先嘅ground破產,重建巴士渡輪生活圈
6. 倡議價值主導消費
7. 重建國際視野

It's rebuilding a better HK
It's a revolution.//

Britain Failed Hong Kong


2019年10月14日 星期一

Ethnography: iterative-inductive research

Ethnography is often both iterative and inductive in the way it proceeds. I summarise this approach as iterative-inductive. But what does this mean?

In deductive research, the researcher comes up with a hypothesis based on what he or she thinks is already known (or based on a theory about the given thing) and then the real world is explored, and data are collected, in order to test the hypothesis. A hypothesis (a suggestion that needs testing) looks something like this: ‘I hypothesise that girls do better at school than boys because they have a better attitude to studying.’ This is something that can then be examined by, for example, asking girls and boys about their attitudes, or by observing them, or by doing a survey, and then looking to see if a good attitude to schoolwork correlates with good attainment.

An inductive approach, on the other hand, is where the researcher begins with as few preconceptions about what he or she is studying as possible. Here theories are devised to explain what is seen rather than the other way around. Some people talk of this as starting out with a blank sheet. Ethnographers tend to believe that if they begin their work with theories to test they will end up only seeing things through that specific lens, or focus. They will not learn as much as about the group or phenomenon as if they begin with a more open mind. Also, ethnographers are less likely to be looking for patterns and regularities and more likely to be interested in the messy, complex worlds they participate in and observe. So, if an ethnographer is interested in girls and schoolwork, she will probably want to understand all about a schoolgirl’s daily life, friendships, and home life (if possible); attitudes to school will also be learned about but in this case within the wider context of the school children’s communities and families.

However, it is somewhat naïve to think an ethnographer can be entirely inductive; and anyway it would be impossible to achieve. Everyone starts their research with some ideas about what they are interested in, and everyone leaves some people or some focus, or some group out of the picture. In the example I have been using, an ethnographer may not be able to go into people’s homes and do participant observation, or may exclude boys from the study (doing research in a girls school, perhaps). She may have some ideas about why she thinks girls do better at school, and/or she may have certain people like a teacher or supervisor advising her about what she should be studying. This is better understood if you understand reflexivity.

What an ethnographer does, instead, is accept that to an extent he has some preconceptions, some goals and theories, and practical limitations to his work, but he tries to minimize the effect of these, or to work with them as advantages. While trying to keep as open a mind as possible, to see the complex nature of the world around him, and not to close his mind to things that would otherwise surprise him, he also draws on the theories and concepts from his studies as they become useful. This involves a constant to and fro (an iteration), of participating, observing, writing, reflecting, reading, thinking, talking, listening, participating, in a circular rather than a linear way. Ethnography is therefore both iterative and inductive; more like a voyage of discovery than an examination.

2019年10月5日 星期六

陳健民: 商界如何化解深層次矛盾 ?





撤走一條惡法,商界為了自身利益會捲入逆權。但涉及到民主改革,他們怎會站在人民那一邊?南韓早在五、六十年代已有民主普選,反而是進入工業化時期,軍人上台,以保護國家不受共產北韓侵害之名,抑壓工人運動、剝奪人民的民主與自由。大企業樂於配合專制政權。但八十年代南韓經濟起飛,出口導向的大企業如三星、LG 等開始關注國家形象如何影響產品的國際行銷,深感在媒體上不斷出現軍警施放催淚彈、學生還以汽油彈的畫面百害而無一利,漸漸對民主改革採取正面的態度,希望普選能真正止暴制亂。



商界可以做的,是學習八十年代韓國的大企業,順着歷史的走向,向北京進言:一天沒普選,香港不會有持久的和諧。最具體的目標是 2020 年立法會選舉全面取消功能議席。另一件要做的事是投入人才與資源,孕育一個扎根本土的保守政黨,以自由經濟、低稅率、鼓勵投資與工作的政綱與泛民在普選中競爭,而非依賴那些人才凋零,只懂趨炎附勢的土共政黨代表他們。這樣既保護他們的長遠利益亦真正化解香港深層次矛盾。



轉載: 港鐵,怎麼你會忘記了,大眾一開始對你的善意呢?



就像是 大眾「無拿拿由石頭爆出嚟繼而立即搞破壞」一樣。














大眾從不「無原因地傷害other objects」。









IG: cheungson88



台北市議員 苗博雅 MiaoPoya:


























大紀元: 中共是亂港根源


「緊急法」越權違憲破壞法治 香港步入死亡



加拿大蒙面法 vs 香港蒙面法

加拿大: 合法集會裏面,幪面係個人自由
香港: 合法集會都不可以幪面

加拿大 :對個人容貎有高度嘅私隱保障。任何人,包括政府機關,如果冇本人嘅授權,或者冇法庭手令,係唔可以隨便攞個人影像使用,除非片段對入罪事關重要,又有足夠證據支持,否則警察無權獲取任何CCTV嘅畫面

香港: 警察想點就點, 好似7.21有片吾拉人都得

加拿大: 警察不可以幪面
香港: 警察可以幪面任打人

加拿大: 法案由民選國會審理同批准; 有民意授權
香港: 由豬官一日通過

2019年9月30日 星期一

趙醒華教授: 計量分析大型抗爭取勝之道

轉載: 計量分析大型抗爭取勝之道


首先要解釋一下背景資料。此港大教授為趙耀華教授,閲讀了《為何非暴力抗爭有效》(Why Civil Resistance Works)及相關分析,然後在信報專欄點出結論,並深入淺出地解釋資料佐證。但礙於部份讀者對計量分析未必熟悉,此處希望帶出結論,並簡化當中的計量分析論證過程。

《為何非暴力抗爭有效》的一大結論為非暴力抗爭比暴力抗爭更有效率。第一項論據為附圖的數據。下圖為抗爭運動成功率與參與人數人均比例的點陣圖(scatter diagram),Y軸為運動成功率,X軸為運動參與人數人均比例的對數(log)。做對數的原因為令運動參與人數人均比例與運動成功率更容易比較,亦令點陣圖可以更清晰地視像化數據。如果沒有做對數,有機會難以視像化如附圖一樣清晰的正向關係。有了對數的附助,我們可以清楚見到,參與抗爭人均比例越高,抗爭成功率越高,這是一個清晰的正相關(positive correlation)。

但是,有相關性,並不代表有因果關係(correlation does not imply causality),即兩個變數雖然有關,但我們不能輕易把高成功率歸因於高抗爭參與人均比例。此概念在之前的post已有解釋。所以,要考慮清楚高抗爭參與人均比例會否真的導致高抗爭成功率。非暴力抗爭的參與者不需太高前設,已可參與抗爭,例如他們的體能與戰鬥力都不需要太高。因此,非暴力抗爭參與人數有極大機會會比暴力抗爭的多。而人多可以有什麼好處?趙教授列出多點,相當合理,例如人數越多,抗爭可有越高的創新性,此運動的文宣工作以及歌曲已經已可作為論點。其他原因,可見下面引文:


另外一個論據,則為抗爭的歷史數據。在研究範圍內最大規模的25場抗爭,暴力抗爭成功率只有40%,而非暴力的則有70%。但要留意的重點是,決定這種研究的量化方法(quantifying method)要非常謹慎,因爲如何定義運動成功、運動參與人數等等數據,都很大機會存在偏差,以最近「民陣200萬+1人遊行」為例,主辦機構與警方的遊行人數統計偏差極大,主辦機構有誘因把統計人數膨脹(inflate),而警方當然有誘因把統計人數壓低,所以要真實量化運動參與人數存在一定困難。因此,這類研究多數會由大學或研究機構等有較多資源的機構進行。




2019年9月17日 星期二


















2019年9月8日 星期日

Playing with Creativity-Catherine McBride seeks to integrate more fun for young language learners


While seemingly innocuous, the dictionary’s definition of education— ‘the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction’—reflects a regimented, suspect arrangement. As the above betrays, traditional schooling places little value on creativity. Children in Hong Kong actualize this en masse: rote memorization reigns as the de facto learning approach. Students as young as two carry the expectation to master English, Mandarin, and Cantonese in school. Prof. Catherine McBride, a professor in CUHK’s Department of Psychology, and Dr. Yanling Zhou, an assistant professor at the Education University of Hong Kong, teamed up with international business expert Mr. Helmuth Aberer to found Cayan Educational Design Ltd. Rather than perpetuating the current framework, the team emphasizes learning through games. 

A one-way flow of information characterizes much of schooling. Teachers deliver information to students who are then expected to commit it to memory. For language learning, the process intensifies. Students drill vocabulary and study colloquialisms; decks of flashcards are king and language courses inundate extracurricular hours. As personalized, unique phrases are rarely prioritized, scripted conversations often plague second and third language-learners, though this is considered language proficiency. 

‘By the time children in Hong Kong are six, they already hate English. Why? Because kindergarten only teaches with memorization. Punctuation, spelling, grammar—there is rarely focus on real communication or fun,’ says Professor McBride. 

Language remains, primarily, a communication tool. Treating it as a rigid stockpile of words and grammatical techniques is dispiriting. Stringing together textbook sentences hardly passes for communication, though Hong Kong’s education system seems to reinforce otherwise. ‘Memorization shouldn’t characterize language learning for children,’ explains Dr. Zhou. ‘We’re motivated to integrate learning with games and ignite children’s creativity through play.’

BumperCards, the education startup’s first patented card game, encourages creativity and play. Children can play in Chinese, English, or both. Each card has pictures on one side and words on the other. The goal is to combine cards to make as many compound words as possible. The concept is straightforward, though the innovation lies in the details: there is a premium placed on creativity. Players receive one point for normal compound words (e.g., sunflower, makeup, etc.), while ‘silly’ words are worth two points. ‘Newspaper’ would get fewer points than a made-up word, such as ‘ice-mouse’ or ‘pencil-man’. To further emphasize creativity, players must justify their silly words with an explanation (explanations are usually just as silly). 

In BumperCards, there is also a diminished emphasis on incorrectness. In creating a word that doesn’t exist, players are rewarded rather than penalized. The game has no punishments; errors are not highlighted. Conceptually, BumperCards stands antithetical to traditional language learning. 

A Social Edge

‘Fun with a purpose’—the company mission statement—is a constant reminder that education should not be boring. Memorization and colourless material make students averse to learning. Cayan Educational Design Ltd aims to alleviate these concerns by affording children greater latitude for creativity and prioritizing fun.

‘We want to reveal how impactful gamification is. Gamification of language learning improves retention and participation. Many educators think if you are having fun, you aren’t learning. We’re disproving that theory. People like games. Games allow us to learn for longer than usual and participate with greater engagement because the learning is fun. The learning is no longer a passive experience,’ explains Professor McBride. 

Over 20 academic papers document the validity and efficacy of using creativity as an education focus. Professor McBride’s research group has tested thousands of students across languages such as Persian, English, Dutch, and Korean, as well as Mandarin and Cantonese. BumperCards is built upon a mountain of academic research and evidence although wide-scale implementation starts with convincing parents of this approach. 

‘If kids are creative with language learning, they improve their vocabulary and reading. The evidence backs it up,’ says Professor McBride. ‘All we ask is for kids to be creative, but parents are afraid of this. If a child does something “wrong” parents believe their child has a problem. We have to convince parents otherwise by making them receptive to fun and creativity.’

Parents have the opportunity to learn with their children, hand in hand. BumperCards allow participants to be social in their learning. Discussion and dialogue transpire and social interactions become integral to the experience. ‘Most games these days are online or played alone. We wanted to return to sharing and socializing in person. This is huge for parents,’ says Dr. Zhou. The interaction creates a lasting impact on a social, educational and developmental front. 

New-Age Innovation

There are two primary avenues of problem-solving: divergent thinking and convergent thinking. Discovering multiple solutions to an open-ended problem through brainstorming is divergent thinking. Convergent thinking is more systematic and less spontaneous than divergent thinking; it entails converging on a single answer to a question. ‘Last January, we went to the biggest toy convention in the world. Of all the aisles full of toys and games, no other product combined both convergent and divergent thinking. We stand alone as a revolutionary game,’ says Mr. Aberer.

In combining convergent thinking—establishing concrete, compound words—and divergent thinking—brainstorming sundry possibilities of word combinations—BumperCards remains the only game to fulfil both modes of thinking.   

Launched less than a year ago, Cayan Educational Design Ltd—a social, for-profit company—aims to combine the values of an NGO with the scale and business of commercialization. Commercial success will, ideally, fuel the social impact. ‘There are two goals, a social and a commercial goal, that we try to achieve simultaneously,’ says Mr. Aberer. ‘We distribute the game to kindergartens and NGOs at a very low price. At the same time, we’ll license our product to a corporation for sustainability and scale.’

The education startup received funding with the Sustainable Knowledge Transfer Project Fund from the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services. The group plans to continue refining BumperCards to include other additional languages that allow for compound word creation, such as German, in addition to developing a digital iteration.

Notwithstanding substantial research evidence, Cayan Educational Design Ltd has a demanding task to integrate an unconventional idea into a school system cemented in orthodoxy. Memorization stands as the long-time linchpin for traditional language learning. Yet, as generations evolve so must their education. BumperCards may be the catalyst for a smarter, more creative cohort of students for years to come.

2019年9月5日 星期四

Peter Hartcher: A message to Hong Kong's protesters: there's only one way you can win

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald


Protesters of Hong Kong, I think I can safely say that I am one among many millions of people around the world who admire your bravery. And support your cause of preserving liberty, even extending it to full electoral democracy.
But I fear that the tactics of the most aggressive among you are going to doom your entire movement and seal Hong Kong's fate.
When the inevitable crackdown comes, there is only one way that you can win this struggle. If the Beijing authorities decide to use force to end the protests and restore calm, they will not hesitate to crush 5000 radicals on the streets. Or even 50,000.
Some of your spokespeople appeal for help from the international community. This is a false hope. People in other countries will make a great deal of noise but no one will intervene to help you.
How can we be so sure? Two precedents answer. First, look at what happened after the Tiananmen Square massacre. When Beijing sent the army to murder hundreds, perhaps thousands, of peaceful student protesters in the square in 1989, some countries protested, some even applied some token sanctions, but within a couple of years it was business as usual. At that time, China was a minor economic force that accounted for 2 per cent of the global economy. Today is 15 per cent, the major trading partner for most countries on earth, and the source of hundreds of billions of dollars for Belt and Road projects in at least 68 nations.
If the world was craven in confronting a much weaker China, who will dare alienate it now? Donald Trump is happy to apply tariffs to Chinese goods in pursuit of his own trade interests. He is not interested in using them to pursue the rights of the Chinese people.
Second, look at the world's response to Beijing's apartheid policy in China's north-western province of Xinjiang. The regime has locked up a million citizens, perhaps more, for the sole crime of belonging to the Uighur minority, mostly Muslims. They are deprived of their rights and held indefinitely for "re-education" in a system of gulags.
The big intervention by the world's democracies? Twenty-five countries including Australia wrote a protest letter in July, which China ignored. A bigger group of countries – 37 authoritarian states led by Russia – quickly published a counter-letter defending Beijing.
People of Hong Kong, don't put your faith in the international community to preserve your freedoms. And no group of radical protesters can fight off the determined use of force by the Chinese Communist Party. It is the expert. It took China by force. It holds it by force. It has overwhelming force on hand.
Of course, you can't expect Beijing to be restrained by any moral concerns. As you know, China's Defence Minister, Wei Fenghei, boasted to a Singapore audience three months ago that the Tianenmen Square massacre was "correct policy". For the CCP, the crushing of unrest in Hong Kong will not be a question of principle but of public relations.
Willy Lam of the Chinese University of Hong Kong says that Chinese President Xi Jinping "isn't even going to consider" sending in the army before October 1, the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. "Any deployment of the PLA [People's Liberation Army] in Hong Kong before that date would spoil the festive atmosphere," says Lam, and Xi would "lose face". Besides, it suits Beijing to wait because the most aggressive of the protesters are growing more violent, week by week.
Using violence is not only doomed to fail, it also puts you on the same moral plane as Beijing. Worse, a violent protest movement means that you are handing Beijing exactly the pretext it seeks. If you are violent, you justify Beijing's use of violence.
So what is the way to win against these odds? You, the resistance movement, cannot win with 5000 violent protesters, or 50,000 or even 500,000. You can only succeed if you have 5 million Hong Kong people in the streets with you. That is the only way to paralyse the CCP's machinery of repression.
Hong Kong's greatest strength so far is that the ordinary people, young and old, the workers and the families, the professionals and the pedlars have turned out by the million to oppose Beijing's attempts at repression.
Crowd estimates are difficult and contested, but its seems likely that at least a million Hong Kongers have turned out on at least three separate occasions in the last few months. This strength risks being squandered. The mass of the people will stay home if the movement has been taken over by aggressive "shock troop" violence. Yet this is exactly the danger we see growing week by week. The most aggressive protesters, the ones wielding poles and Molotov cocktails, need to desist. They are doing Xi Jinping's work for him.
Opinion polls in Hong Kong show a rising public distaste for violent protest tactics. The more violent the radicals, the stronger Beijing's case to intervene, the weaker Hong Kong public support for the front-line resistance.
I'm not asking you to stop protesting. The right to political protest is one of the liberties at stake in this confrontation. But I am suggesting that you use a more disciplined approach. If you want to win, the resistance must be non-violent. Sit-ins, marches, and civil disobedience, yes. Trying to out-thugs the thugs, no.
The obvious objection? The police and the Beijing-sponsored gangs will be free to strike protesters without fear of retaliation. Exactly. Let them. Every time they do, they lose the argument and the public relations contest. It takes more courage to accept pain for a high cause than to succumb to the natural instinct to stike back.
To win, the protesters of Hong Kong need the overwhelming support of the vast mass of Hong Kong people. And for that, they need less Guy Fawkes and more Gandhi. After all, Gandhi won against the most powerful empire in the world at that time. "Non-violence," said Gandhi, "is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man."
Protesters of Hong Kong, the mass solidarity of the people, clothed in that great force, is your only hope.
Peter Hartcher is international editor.