2020年2月1日 星期六


Some people were floating the theory that the coronavirus was planted by US agents to thwart China’s ascension.

I found this theory speculative, at best, and ludicrous, at worst, unless someone could come forward to give direct evidence detailing how this was carried out.

This theory is not very credible, unless the virus does not attack Americans.

But this is not the case.

Also, USA can clamp down China with its present trade and other superiorities.

Some claim that so far the virus does not attack Caucasians.

Even if this were so, the virus could mutate and affect everyone.

The present virus is supposed to be quite similar to SARS in 2002-3. Should we say the 2003 SARS was also caused by USA? Of course, not (if only because China was much less powerful than it is now).

Also, if the US could control hinder China’s development, by trade agreement etc., why should it do such thing?

According to CCTV, the coronavirus outbreak was caused by an old person who had been the the 華南 seafood market in Wuhan. (This virus is prevalent among bats.)

There is another possibility: a leak from the micro-organisms lab in Wuhan.

Lacking concrete evidence, it is no more credible than the theory that the million-people marches in June in HK were engineered by foreign forces.

(Written by Prof. Li, Hon Lam, Department of Philosophy, CUHK)
