有志者事竟成! 這是令人鼓舞和振奮的時刻, 再次證明, 腳踏實地, 在日本從來是得到回報和稱許的。跟日本成對比, 香港的主流價值只重視短期實效, 投機取巧的人受萬千寵愛, 默默耕耘被視為不識時務, 想至此,禁不住泛起是非黑白顛倒之嘆。
最感動最溫馨的一幕, 是日本選手以冠軍的殊榮來答謝世人對日本的祝福, 彷彿女子世界盃的冠軍不光是為東北地震災民打氣, 也是向所有愛日本的每一個人致意。冠軍隊伍, 第一句答謝的說話, 並非使人嘔心的「感謝黨, 感謝祖國」, 或者那煽情的「感謝教練, 感謝媽媽」這些說話, 取而代之, 在驕傲的勝利時刻仍然不忘日本以外還有同舟共濟的地球村, 這充份顯出日本選手的謙卑和氣度。單憑這一點, 足見「大和撫子」果然是舉世無雙的大將!
Fans present in Bochum for Group B’s opening game between New Zealand and Japan were greeted before the match by the Japanese team holding a large banner on the pitch saying: ‘To our friends around the world: Thank you friends for your support.’
This is a campaign that was initiated by the Japan Football Association in response to the great support that Japan received from the global football family after the tragic earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan in March 2011.
FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter was one of the first people to send his support to the Japanese community on behalf of FIFA and the footballing world. As a token of appreciation, the JFA launched a website to post all the messages it received to acknowledge those who sent them help and also let the people who were affected by the tragedy know about the support they will receive.
"This whole campaign is a good opportunity for us to show our gratitude to the world." Homare Sawa, Japan captain.
Additionally the Japanese decided that the most visible way of thanking the people for their support would be to create banner and it was first used at a charity game in Osaka on 29 March. Since then the banner has travelled the world with every Japanese team: Mexico for the FIFA U-17 World Cup, the USA for international friendlies and finally Germany for the FIFA Women’s World Cup, where it appeared for the first time during the match against New Zealand in Bochum.
When asked about it, the Japanese captain Homare Sawa said: "This whole campaign is a good opportunity for us to show our gratitude to the world. We have received so much support from around the world, and it is still on-going. I wish for the speedy recovery of Japan and for people to regain their normal life."
The Tohoku area was one of the worst affected areas by the tragedy and the team’s defender Azusa Iwashimizu who was born there also expressed her gratitude.
"Tohoku has received warm encouragement and support from so many countries. The World Cup is one of our chances to show Japan's presence to the world in gratitude of their support. I also want to give a message of encouragement to the Japanese people through our play. I think more activities such as football events for kids should take place in the Tohoku area so that we can encourage them with football."
(Source: FIFA-http://www.fifa.com/womensworldcup/news/newsid=1463692/index.html)