2008年9月21日 星期日

What Japan had paid to China: A worthless deal?

One of the top discussions among international forums recently is about the safety of food manufactured by Mainland China. China is under seriously criticized by its dangerous milk stuffs as there is a growing number of innocent victims, both in Mainland China, Taiwan, Japan and Hong Kong respectively. Remember last year in March, the United States had found that Chinese made animal food was poisonous, which killed various number of cats and dogs. The disaster of food safety in China finally becomes a world focus.

China is sill recovering hardly from Sichuan earthquakes. Most people in the Mainland are struggling from surging food prices, bad air environment and overcoming worsening social conditions (crimes, pollution, bomb attacks, etc.). However, the central government is still investing millions of US dollars on launching rockets to uncertain far-away Moon. Even rich countries such as Swiss, Finland, and Sweden seldom waste any money on this large-scale project especially when local citizens are still bearing heavy burden on their lives. A protective clothes used in space costs more than rebuilding ten secondary schools in devastated Sichuan. Space projects are seem to be more important than saving people's lives.

Japan, one of her closest neighbours, gives a large amount of subsidies and loans each year to China. But in return Japanese are the victims of dangerous Chinese food. Japan is often criticized by China for not apologising for her past invading history despite the fact that Japanese officials have deeply apologized for many many times in the past thirty years.

Remember one interesting source from the Internet:

Total amount of aid the Japanese government will give to Burma for it’s recent cyclone disaster:
28 million yen

Total amount Japan pays to China for renting two pandas each year:
100 million yen

(source: http://learnjapanesepod.com/newblog/)

If there were no obvious argument to justify Japanese government to pay for such a large sum of money to China every year, why should Japanese need to keep those pandas in Japan and why shouldn't they simply return those pandas to China as soon as possible?

Further reading:

2008年9月18日 星期四


本文標題不是我的原創,它是大陸盲人歌手、行吟詩人周雲蓬寫的歌謠:「不要做克拉瑪依的孩子,火燒痛皮膚讓親娘心焦;不要做沙蘭鎮的孩子,水底下漆黑他睡不著;不 要做成都人的孩子,吸毒的媽媽七天七夜不回家;不要做河南人的孩子,愛滋病在血液 哈哈地笑;不要做山西人的孩子,爸爸變成了一筐煤,你別再想見到他;不要做中國人的孩子,餓極了他們會把你吃掉,還不如曠野中的老山羊,為保護小羊而目露凶光;不要做中國人的孩子…」

這首沉痛的歌謠流傳開來後,中國的孩子又噩運連連,山西黑窯童奴;東莞童工;四川 豆腐渣工程活埋了七千多孩子;而今毒奶粉又坑害了成千上萬個「結石娃娃」,而且毒奶粉廠家不止三鹿集團,竟遍佈幾乎所有的乳製品企業!

去年美國四千多隻貓狗被中國出口的寵物食品毒死,美國儘管一片譁然,卻做夢也想不到,中國人會給自己的孩子吃同樣的毒藥!美國人想像力很貧乏,還以為是化學污染所 致。豈知在中國,這是行內皆知的「食品添加劑」─它就是「三聚氰胺」。

凡用國貨的港人都有必要接受科普,「三聚氰胺」是一種化工黏合劑,主要用於建築裝 飾。但它在大陸有另一俗稱,叫做「蛋白精」,它可以使蛋白質含量低的食品,能在質檢時達標;同時可以增加一切顆粒狀食品(奶粉或飼料)的黏合度,此種產品在大陸食品加工業使用量極大。換言之,國人吃的各類禽畜,都可能是「蛋白精」飼料餵養出來的。




